Tireless tinkerer, 13+ years designer by trade cause being a cool dude won’t pay the bills, pedalboard builder, guitarist and wannabe bass player, traveler, daydreamer, doing my best to not overthink, insomniac.


Jesus follower, husband, father, designer, musician, chef, and probably the worst at explaining how a nuclear reactor works. I enjoy making things happen, recording myself playing guitar every once in a while, and occasionally cooking some of the most amazing dishes my wife has ever tried.

My love for design started in high school when I casually began drawing cars (back when Need for Speed was a thing) instead of listening to class. My drawings evolved into a graphic design career of 12+ years, leading me into other disciplines like front-end web design, product & print design, and eventually finding my passion in logos & branding.

I’ve been fortunate enough to surround myself with inspiring people and discover incredible individuals on my socials. I’m a firm believer that inspiration must find you working, and that perfection gets in the way of good.

I stand for the little guy, serve those I can, love individuals with different opinions (even though they’re wrong), and share my knowledge with anyone who’d like to listen.

If you ever find yourself in need of a killer turkey recipe, hit me up!